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# 177851
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Corporate governance in South Africa : with international comparisons

Author :  Tobie Wiese

Product Details

South Africa
Juta & Company, South Africa
ISBN 9781485107095
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2015
Bib. Info 254pp.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Corporate governance in South Africa addresses the changes in the corporate governance landscape in South Africa brought about by the Companies Act 71 of 2008 and the King Report on Governance for South Africa (King III), both of which have increased the corporate governance responsibilities of boards of directors in South Africa. Since South African companies are becoming increasingly internationalised, the book also places the South African corporate governance framework in an international context. Corporate governance in South Africa covers the following areas: the corporate governance framework in South Africa, a comparison with various international corporate governance frameworks, and contemporary governance issues. The book also offers a corporate governance implementation guide. Examples of failed corporate governance practices, both local and international, are provided throughout the book, seeking to illustrate the importance of effective corporate governance practices by companies. Contents include: Table of cases; The South African regulatory framework; Comparing corporate governance frameworks; The role of shareholders in corporate governance; The role of the board of directors in corporate governance; Individual directors and corporate governance; The duties and liabilities of directors; Reporting, auditors and risk management; Corporate social responsibility.

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