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# 778002
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Arise : The Power to be Extraordinary

Author :  Tay, Teressa

Product Details

Arise & Soar Pte Ltd, Singapore
ISBN 9789811157714
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2019
Bib. Info x, 214p.
Product Weight 294 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

TERESSA TAY is an extraordinary woman. Despite the countless obstacles and challenges she faces in life, and the seemingly ceaseless hardships and pains she has to bear, she never gives up. Her unwavering determination is admirable. Her growing up years had been tough, but that did not deter her from becoming a successful businesswoman. At the age of 24, she started to build a business group comprising six international branches and consecutively established seven companies over a span of 20 years. She was regularly featured in magazines and newspapers, both local and overseas. However, in a turn of events, she lost her entire business empire and had to end her long-suffering marriage, leaving her alone to bring up her three young children, then aged three, five and eight. Undaunted, she fought on to rebuild her life from scratch, all over again. This book has taken her 12 years to complete. It speaks of her personal experience as a young entrepreneur, a successful businesswoman, a tenacious single mother, a consistent award-winning realtor, a cancer survivor and her many supernatural encounters with God. As you turn the pages, you will be moved by her indefatigable hope in God, and her belief that with God, nothing is impossible. This book will imbue you with God’s extraordinary power that refreshes and revitalises life.

Content Details

1. Tay, Theresa, 1959-. 2. Trust in God - Christianity. 3. Christian life. 4. Real estate agents - Singapore - Biography.

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