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# 790207
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Beneath The Rug

Author :  Solve n+1 (Eds), Cheng Tian Wei & Lewin Low

Product Details

N Plus One Pte Ltd (Solve n+1), Singapore
ISBN 9789811821349
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info xii, 268p. ; 150x220mm.
Product Weight 488 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

A community doctor struggles with the tension between limited resources and unlimited needs. He has to decide who to serve, what services to offer, and who he has to turn away. How would you decide who is denied help? An ex-offender wonders whether society has predetermined what job he should have. Have you already decided on his behalf? A policymaker reflects that the Government must be ready to adapt, to flex, and to morph policies and processes so that they remain client-centric in order for less to fall through the cracks. How can you collaborate with them? Beneath the Rug is a collection of stories from 30 individuals in the social impact sector. Hear from diverse voices including practitioners, changemakers, policymakers, and people with lived experiences. It is our sincere hope that as the stories in this book reveal what lies beneath the rug, it will also nudge all of us towards greater understanding, deeper reflection, and more meaningful engagement with our communities. What would you see, if you peered under the proverbial rug of Singapore’s society? Come alongside us in learning to listen, understand, and serve our communities more effectively.

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