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# 798940
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Prisoner of Conscience : Badshah Khan

Author :  Pervaiz Khan

Product Details

Emel Publications,Pakistan
ISBN 9789699556494
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info xviii, 358p. Includes Bibliography
Product Weight 808 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

There are none, other who contributed as much as he did, lesser-known valorous freedom fighter who made a mark in India’s history, but was relegated to history. He was incredibly complex, contradictory and larger-than-life human being, he was wrestled with these contradictions during his lifetime, not to be measured by the rare moments of greatness in his life, but by the amount of dust he collected on his feet in the course of life’s journey, that lead him through great movements of separation, descent, ordeal and return. It is sad that independent did not accord him any recognition, and he spent his remaining life in penury away from political limelight, a forgotten hero.

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