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Curlews on Vulture Street

Author :  Jones, Darryl

Product Details

NewSouth Publishing, Sydney NSW
ISBN 9781742237367
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2022
Bib. Info 320 pages
Categories DU - Oceania (South Seas)
Product Weight 355 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Darryl Jones, author of Feeding the Birds at Your Table, reveals the not-so-secret lives of the most common birds that share our towns and cities. Despite the noise, heat, dust and fumes, the ceaseless movement, light and toxins, many birds successfully live their lives among us. And not just furtively in the shadows. Ibis steal our lunch, brush-turkeys rearrange gardens and magpies chase us from near their nest. From blackbirds and sparrows in his childhood country town to brush-turkeys in the suburbs, Darryl Jones shares a fascinating story of curiosity, discovery, adventure and conflict, played out in the streets and backyards of Australia. He also provides rare insights into the intimate lives of some of our most beloved and feared, despised and admired neighbours. Magpies, curlews, ibis, lorikeets and cockatoos will never seem the same again.

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