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The Song of Destiny: A Novel

Author :  Isaac Ndolo

Product Details

Stratcom Experts Limited, Kenya
ISBN 9789914407228
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2022
Bib. Info viii, 320p.
Product Weight 400 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

The Song of Destiny is a thriller, a creative re-tale of how nations dominate others, how dominions lose World dominance and the cost that must be paid, and why Africa has more strategic economic and political value than the Africans know. It is a fast-paced action that reveals deep secrets that influence the decisions of empires, which most often look foolish and ill-informed in the eyes of the common man. Though set in historical East Africa, the plot and storyline clearly explain what’s happening in the contemporary, and why the USA will invest billions of dollars to see to it that the Russians are defeated on the battlefield. The story clearly reveals why Europe deliberately invested in underdeveloped Africa. Soon, hegemonic conspiracies will end, but how?

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