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# 846439
USD 39.50 (Book Not in Ready Stock, will take 45-60 days to source and dispatch)
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The Cortexide Mission: An Historical Thriller

Author :  Isaac Ndolo

Product Details

Stratcom Experts Limited, Kenya
ISBN 9789966693754
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2020
Bib. Info xii, 304p.
Product Weight 400 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

A dreadful conspiracy threatens Humanity. It must be broken .... But who will? Shaken by a sudden change from the unhurried life of his African homeland, Kamala must make the greatest sacrifice to save his people. Unknown to him, destiny proffers redemption in the form of a spy women, who in a bid to save her father’s life pledges her services to the British Empire on the eve of the First World War. Anne resolves to sojourn into one of the deepest jungles in Africa in search of the enemy’s biological pathogen. Kamala and Anne face fundamental cultural and social differences, a relentless enemy hell-bent on shoving its hegemony over the earth and the desire to survive at every possible cost. Soon they realize that the choices each makes will be pivotal to the human race’s survival.

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