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Born A Prince Lived a Slave

Author :  James Murage Kweri

Product Details

Garland Silver Publishers, Nairobi, Kenya
ISBN 9789966130723
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2019
Bib. Info 120p.
Product Weight 200 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Born a Prince is primarily about opportunity cost. What happens when a man who has naturally been endowed with privileges tramples them and choses to follow his own path? A prince is privileged from birth. What happens if the prince tramples down his privileges? He become a slave. The Earth is created for man to thrive. It has features, possibilities, plants, gases and liquids that are specially made to enable man to thrive. When man is not thriving on the Earth, there is a problem. And this is the problem that this book seeks to address. Why does man seem to be in conflict with nature? The level of suffering on the earth in form of poverty, disease, political and emotional upheavals are exceedingly great. The level of crime, divorces, suicides, terrorism and lack of basic provisions is a paradox to the perfect environment. God has set for his beloved creation. Adam was a wonder creature of God; God set the earth for his provision. When you walk across the world today, this does not seem to make sense. It seem s man is under cruel war from nature, and many would appear to have lost. It is a far cry from the garden of Eden where Adam was first given a dwelling. In this book, a proposal is made that a man has to obey certain laws in nature to regains his rightful position.

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