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I Set Foot: Adventure, Love, Travel

Author :  Anthony Muchiri & Damaris Muchiri

Product Details

Anthony Muchiri (Self-Published), Nairobi, Kenya
ISBN 9789966137364
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2019
Bib. Info 326p.
Product Weight 400 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Anthony’s love for the great outdoors has seen him excel in water rescue/s and highly regarded in matters water safety and rescue. When you take away the career side, then the wild side of Anthony comes alive with every day yearning for the next destination from camping to seven-star hotels and anything in between, Anthony is good to go. Having started off as a scout and backpacking in Europe and the middle east. Anthony enjoys the company of family and friends in equal measure. Anthony has a unique way of giving everyone around his space unique ideas and insights for a better life. He keeps everyone entertained with laughter and a new way of being that leaves all inspired to really do what matters to you and in your life. Driven by the past is in the past where it belongs, Anthony will push you to decide on what you want in life, plan for it and go get it.

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