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Souvenir of a Broken Heart

Author :  Akinsoyinu Opemipo Moyosoreoluwa

Product Details

Haridor Communications, Nigeria
ISBN 9789789918973
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 168p.
Product Weight 250 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

I have looked everywhere for a voice I can borrow- my melody, a voice to dwell. One that tells the dictates of my heart and bends to the rhythm of my conscience. I never wanted to try, I just wanted to be, and that has been a lifetime of struggle. I wish I could tell this to you in a song, perhaps write you a letter, but what letter is better than the one from a soul that has tasted death, alive. The caesura of breath is the finality, but before it is other types of deaths. Souvenir of a broken heart is that gift I wish I had growing up. It was that compass I wish life gave me before her flying darts, but here it is, a gift we give to you. You know you better in the pool of your thoughts swimming in the river of tomorrow breathlessly. Take a deep breath, sister, take a pause, brother. The journey is still a long way from the finish line. Preserve your energy. You would need it most when all the chips are down.

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