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Reckless Audacity: Covid-19 and the Deadly Display of Collective Foolhardiness

Author :  Yomi Akinfesoye

Product Details

Tryspect Solutions, Lagos, Nigeria
ISBN 9789789860364
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Bib. Info 368p.;
Product Weight 600 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Recklessness in criminal law is said to be a deliberate and unjustifiable pursuit of a course of action while consciously ignoring any associating or consequent risk of such action; reckless audacity therefore can be said to be a foolhardy display of willingness to take unjustifiable risks in the midst of better alternatives. Although COVID-19 was lethal, nothing was more fatal than the recklessness on the part of the people and the ineptitude of leaders. “Reckless Audacity” chronicles the events as they unfolded, the recklessness, misconception, audacious display of ignorance, the devastating consequences, and how to prevent the next pandemic. This book exposes the lack of sound judgement that can be equally displayed by people in the face of crippling crises irrespective of their societal positions or wherewithal, amongst the haves and have-nots. It speaks of how covid-19 has now beyond just an outbreak, become a metaphor for the failings of humanity in managing their lives (whether in crisis or not), caring for society, and pursuing a common global purpose.

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