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From The Wall To The Water: A Journey Through Asia

Author :  William Han

Product Details

Hong Kong
Earnshaw Books Ltd, Hong Kong
ISBN 9789888769513
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2022
Bib. Info 258p.
Product Weight 300 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

In 2015, footloose lawyer and screenwriter William Han set out to travel the ancient Silk Road from China to Europe, following the footsteps of a Chinese explorer who tried to make contact with the Roman Empire in the first century AD. Born in Taiwan, raised in New Zealand, and freshly liberated from a New York law firm, he relied largely on a big smile and a firm handshake on a voyage through both space and timeas from northwest China through Central Asia and Afghanistan to Iran. From the Wall to the Water is a personal odyssey as well as a snapshot of an unstable and little known part of the world from a unique perspective, linking the ancient past to the uncertain present, and generating observations and meditations on the tides of history, and our place within it.

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