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The Path I Made:A Memoir

Author :  Tasnim Ahsan

Product Details

Lightstone Publishers, Pakistan
ISBN 9789697162116
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2024
Bib. Info 423p.
Categories Biography/Memoirs
Product Weight 600 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

The Path I Made: A Memoir records the extraordinary journey of Dr Tasnim Ahsan culminating in her role of the first female Director of Pakistan's largest state hospital, JPMC. Narrated against the backdrop of Partition, the fall of Dacca and of the binding power of family and friends, it is also the story of the spirit of the Pakistani nation. Prof. Durriya Kazi, educationist and artist Being a woman in a Pakistani society is never easy. With crippling honesty, Dr Tasnim Ahsan takes her readers on a personal, at times painful journey sharing the highs and lows of her personal and professional life. But it is a life well lived, never the lesson her own terms with grace and gravitas, while balancing relationships. Zofeen T Ebrahim, journalist

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