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Conversations With Aurangzeb: A Novel

Author :  Charu Nivedita; Translated from the Tamil by Nandini Krishnan

Product Details

HarperCollins Publishers, Haryana, India
ISBN 9789356993921
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2023
Bib. Info ix, 335 p.; 22 cm. Includes Bibliography.
Product Weight 400 gms.
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Product Description

Comprehensively irreverent . . . genre-bending . . . sparklingly witty.' - MANU PILLAI 'Who would have thought Aurangzeb could be so entertaining.' - MANU JOSEPH A writer hopes to get some primary research done for his new book by interviewing the spirit of Shah Jahan. But the endeavour turns into an obstacle course, with his translator arguing about how to start a novel, a fellow writer giving him unsolicited feedback, and a friend plaguing him with phone calls. Worst of all, Shah Jahan is elbowed out by Aurangzeb, who hijacks the novel.

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