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Idi Amin : A Study in Tyranny

Author :  Xavier Ogena

Product Details

Driberg Books Limited, Kampala, Uganda
ISBN 9789913979108
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2024
Bib. Info xvi, 340p. ; 210x148mm. Includes Select Bibliography
Product Weight 500 gms.
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Product Description

This book takes the reader from Amin's birth between 1923 and 1928, through his humble beginnings in the British colonial regiment, King's African Rifles (KAR); his rapid rise through the ranks of successively the KAR and Uganda Army to become Army Commander; his Israeli-sponsored coup against his former mentor, Apollo Milton Obote; his one-man rule of Uganda, which was characterised by unprecedented mass killings and the general collapse of the socioeconomic infrastructure; his overthrow by combined Tanzanian and Ugandan-exiles forces; and his flight into exile in Saudi Arabia, where he died in 2003.

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