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# 875555
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Republican Vietnam 1963-1975 : War, Society, Diaspora

Author :  Trinh M. Luu and Tuong Vu (ED)

Product Details

United States
University Of Hawai'i Press, Hawaii, USA
ISBN 9780824895181
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2023
Bib. Info xii, 312p. Includes Index ; Bibliography
Product Weight 650 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

English-language scholarship all too often dismisses South Vietnam as an American creation, a product of US imperialism. Republican Vietnam boldly upends this depiction, exposing a diverse and dynamic portrait of the Second Republic. In twelve essays, each based on original archival research, the volume brings to life the Second Republic in all its complexities, displaying how politicians, students, educators, publishers, journalists, musicians, religious leaders, businessmen, and ordinary citizens built a highly intricate society—with dazzling entrepreneurial zeal, an outspoken press, globally engaged religions, a vibrant intellectual and associational culture, and a level of artistic production that remains unmatched since the Vietnam War.

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