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The Yellow Court Scripture: Volume One Text And Main Commentaries

Author :  Livia Kohn

Product Details

United States
Three Pines Press, Petersburg, U.S.A
ISBN 9781931483735
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2023
Bib. Info v, 254p. Includes Index ; Bibliography
Product Weight 440 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

The Huangting jing (Yellow Court Scripture) is a central classic of Daoist meditation. It comes in two major versions, an “outer” and an “inner” text, that are both revealed by senior deities and written in lines of seven characters. Going back to the early middle period, with major commentaries from the Tang dynasty, they are rather mysterious and poetic in diction, presenting the human body in terms of energies and spirits, towers and chambers. Without giving specific instructions, they suggest visualization, energy circulation, and alignment with the celestial bodies to maintain and control these internal powers in order to enhance life, increase longevity, and reach for immortality.

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