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# 875568
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Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Israel

Author :  Avid Bar, Guy Haimovitch, Shai Meiri

Product Details

Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt, Germany
ISBN 9783899731200
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2021
Product Weight 1260 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

“Israel’s positioning at the juncture of Asia, and Africa, and between the Sahara and Arabian deserts in the south, and Mediterranean and mountain regions in the north, make it zoologically very diverse. It packs a variety of landscapes, habitats, vegetation types, and fauna, into a small and easily accessible area. The reptile fauna of Israel is species rich, with nearly 90 species, and highly diverse, with representatives of 25 families. All this wealth can be easily seen, and all is found, within half a day of driving from the main population hubs of the greater Tel Aviv area or Jerusalem. This makes Israel one of the most attractive destinations for reptile enthusiasts and professional herpetologists alike. Amphibians, on the other hand, are less diverse due to Israel’s arid to semi-arid climate and are represented by a total of 8 species– but again representing six families.

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