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# 875976
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Reorienting The Pure Land : Nisei Buddhism In The Transwar Years, 1943-1965

Author :  Michael K. Masatsugu

Product Details

United States
University of Hawai'I Press, Honolulu, U.S.A
ISBN 9780824895532
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2023
Bib. Info xiv, 256p. Includes Index ; Bibliography
Product Weight 400 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Post–World War II historical developments, including Japanese American resettlement, the US occupation of Japan, the Cold War, and decolonization in an emerging “Third World,” created both a climate of uncertainty and possibility for the future of Japanese American Buddhism in the United States. As both a racial minority and as adherents of a non-Christian religious tradition with roots in Asia, Nikkei Buddhists faced distinct challenges in asserting their religion as part of their ethnic heritage.

Content Details

1. Shin (Sect) ? United States-History-20th Century. 2. Shin Buddhists-United States-History-20th century. 3. Japanese Americans-Religion. 4. Buddhism and culture-United States.

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