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Alternate Currents : Reiki's Circulation In The Twentieth-Century North Pacific

Author :  Justin B. Stein

Product Details

United States
University of Hawaii Press, Hawaii, USA
ISBN 9780824895662
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2023
Bib. Info xvi, 316p. Includes Index
Product Weight 500 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

In the second half of the twentieth century, Reiki went from an obscure therapy practiced by a few thousand Japanese and Japanese Americans to a global phenomenon. By the early twenty-first century, people in nearly every corner of the world have undergone the initiations that authorize them to channel cosmic energy—known as Reiki—to heal body, mind, and spirit. They lay hands on themselves and others, use secret symbols and incantations to send Reiki to distant recipients, and strive to follow five precepts to cultivate their spiritual growth.

Content Details

1. Takata, Hawayo Kawamuri,1900-1980. 2. Reiki (Healing system)-Hawaii. 3. Reiki (Healing system)-Japan. 4. Reiki (Healing system)-Northwest, Pacific.

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