Country | |
Publisher | |
ISBN | 9789391985899 |
Format | HardBound |
Language | English |
Year of Publication | 2024 |
Bib. Info | xiii, 109p.; 22 cm. Includes Bibliography. |
Product Weight | 400 gms. |
Shipping Charges(USD) |
The text titled Yuktisastikakarika is one of the six treatises on Madhyamaka Philosophy ascribed to Acarya Nagarjuna. Containing a total number of sixty stanzas excluding the words of worship, it mainly explains the impossibility of attaining the state bliss without becoming free from two extremes referring to the extreme of eternalism and the extreme of nihilism. In its beautiful verses of succinct, clear and logical expression, existence and non-existence of phenomena, liberation, samsara, nirvana, extreme etc., are examined in order to establish that emptiness is their essence- a central theme of Madhyamika philosophers.