Country | |
Publisher | |
ISBN | 9781664106444 |
Format | PaperBack |
Language | English |
Year of Publication | 2021 |
Bib. Info | 128p. Includes Index ; Bibliography |
Product Weight | 300 gms. |
Shipping Charges(USD) |
This book, by Michael Bassey Eneyo analyses the likely degrees of fear that may bedevil the human species in the universe due to the trans-humanism agenda. Trans-humanism, in a nutshell, is the resultant effect of complex advancements in science and technology with the deliberate intention to help humans overcome the prevailing challenges of their physical and social environments; thereby making life easier and smarter. In a bid to create these multi-faceted challenge-overcoming possibilities; myriads of new, higher and deeper problems are created for man with various degrees of fears and disadvantages.