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The Sufi's Nighttingale

Author :  Sarbpreet Singh

Product Details

Sang-E-Meel Publications, Pakistan
ISBN 9789693536461
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2024
Bib. Info 316p.
Categories Literature
Product Weight 550 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

In a small house beneath a mosque in the Bazaar e Husn, home to the pleasure houses of sixteenth-century Lahore, lives an unusual band of Sufis. Known all over the city for their startling red robes and shaven faces, they are seen singing and dancing wantonly every evening as they make their way through the streets to a maikhana, their favourite tavern. Their master, a former Islamic scholar now disowned by the clergy, is Lal Hussain, whose exquisite poems— sung by his dearest disciple Maqbool, a young man from the oppressed Marassi community—have begun to win the hearts of thousands of ordinary Lahoris, despite his notoriety. (Fiction)

Content Details

1.Novel 2.Sufism

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