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Pakistan: Clash Of Ideas Pervez Hoodbhoy Versus Javed Jabbar

Author :  Anjum Altaf

Product Details

AKS Publications, Pakistan
ISBN 9789697313044
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2022
Bib. Info 111p.
Categories Politics/Current Affairs
Product Weight 150 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

It is rare to have a serious debate about the many critical issues that need to be explored if Pakistan is to move forward beyonf the crises that have plaqued it since its existence. It is even rarer to have the debate in a format that is accessible to college students. This book presents two sets of starkly divergent views on ten topics ranging from the creation of Pakistan to the liberation of Bangladesh, the conflict in Balochistan, and the civil military contestation.

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